Sisu Max Next Gen 2.4 mm mouthguard / mouth guard for adults various colors

An innovative, newly developed mouthguard for contact and team sports such as Muay Thai / Thai boxing, kickboxing, MMA, Grappling, basketball, handball, hockey ect. With higher protection factor, more comfort, freedom and hygienic than conventional dental guards and additionally reshaped!

RRP EUR 41.90
EUR 34.99 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 34.99 / piece
Delivery within 1-2 working days (in Germany)
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The Sisu Max Next Generation Mouthguard 2.4 mm

The Sisu Max mouthguard is made of a non-compressible material. The impact force is distributed over the entire surface of the mouthguard. The perfect fit, re-moldability
and unsurpassed strength allowing the SISU better protect mouthguard and offer the freedom to speak, breathe and drink.

The Sisu Mouthguard offers 5 clear advantages over conventional tooth protectors:

  • Strength: The revolutionary Diffusix Technology SISU Mouthguards are 8 times harder and 50% stronger than conventional mouthguards.
  • Freedom: The mouthguard made possible by its adaptability and extremely thin material effortless breathing, talking and drinking.
  • Comfort: Only 2,4mm thick and thus about 30% thinner than conventional mouthguards.
  • Hygiene: The SISU mouthguard may be worn during the entire workout
  • Postformability: This new developed technology of SISU mouthguard can be repeatedly molded, and is therefore always customizable.

They are manufactured SISU Mouthguards in the US without the addition of plasticizers such as BPA and phthalates.

Suitable for team and contact sports:

  • Muay Thai / Thai boxing
  • Kickboxing
  • K1
  • MMA / Grappeling
  • Basketball
  • Handball
  • Hockey
  • American Football

You're unsure about the size? Then check our size chart

Item ID 4767
Condition New & with original packaging
Age rating No age restriction
Model Sisu Max Next Gen 2.4 Max
Manufacturer SISU
Manufacturing country USA
Content 1 piece
Weight 150 g
Net weight 100 g