
Everlast Everstrike EverCool MMA Grappling Gloves Closed Thumb - PU in black/gray

Rule the Fight - This grappling glove especially for women with open palm and closed thumb offers the athlete maximum control and body control both in training and in sparring...

EUR 43.99 *
Content 1 pair
Unit price EUR 43.99 / pair
Delivery within 1-2 working days (in Germany)
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Everlast Everstrike EverCool MMA Grappling Gloves Synthetic leather with open palm and closed thumb

The Everlast MMA Freefight gloves made of robust PU with its special finger design, open palms and thumbs, as well as wide wrist support offer maximum safety and comfort. Best cushioning properties and fit thanks to the new Everlast closed-cell foam technology. The pre-formed, multi-layer, high-density C3 foam core ensures a natural and ergonomic fist position and has the very best shock-absorbing properties, for maximum comfort and safety during training. All-round Velcro fasteners make it easy to put on and take off the gloves and also stabilize the wrists.

The EVERSTRIKE ™ training gloves are extremely versatile. With an easy transition from pushups and cardio to grappling and light sandbag work, these gloves enable a full range of workouts. Women-specific design offers optimal fit, comfort and balance. EVERCOOL ™ technology keeps you cool and dry during intensive training.

  • Made of robust PU cover
  • Closed-cell foam core
  • C3 foam core, open palms and thumb
  • All-round long Velcro fastener
  • EVERSTRIKE technology
  • EVERCOOL for optimal freshness

Size: S / M or M / L
Color: black / gray

You're unsure about the size? Then check our size chart

Item ID 5517
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Variation ID 839360-70
Model Everstrike
Manufacturer Everlast
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 pair
Weight 200 g
Net weight 150 g


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