
Booster BFF-9 MMA / Freefight Gloves Synthetic Leather

In terms of price / performance, these gloves are simply the best sparring / MMA gloves on the market. They have a high quality safety injection mold. Padded thumb for extra security ...

RRP EUR 34.99
EUR 19.99 *
Content 1 pair
Unit price EUR 19.99 / pair
Delivery within 1-2 working days (in Germany)
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Booster BFF-9 MMA / Freefight gloves

  • In terms of price / performance, these gloves are simply the best sparring / MMA gloves on the market
  • They have a high quality safety injection mold
  • Padded thumb for added security
  • Comfortable and ergonomic fit
  • All-round hand strap for optimal attachment and wrist support
  • Full open palm for a very good grip

You're unsure about the size? Then check our size chart

Item ID 5209
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Variation ID BFF-9
Model MMA Gloves
Manufacturer Booster
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 pair
Weight 220 g
Net weight 200 g


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