
Booster BBG Air Puncher punching bag gloves black-red PU mesh

Booster punching bag gloves BBG Air are optimized for power & performance. Specifically designed to provide speed, coverage, and delivery during bag workouts. A high-density, absorbent padding ...

RRP EUR 34.99
EUR 19.99 *
Content 1 pair
Unit price EUR 19.99 / pair
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Booster punching bag gloves BBG Air are optimized for power & performance. Specifically designed to provide speed, coverage, and delivery during the bag workout, high-density, absorbent padding, evenly distributed across the glove, including the wrist and outer wall, has been added to provide protection during the

To improve BAG trainings.
Enhanced with mesh material to keep your hands cooler during exercise and your gloves to dry out faster. The Velcro fastener ensures a comfortable and secure fit.

  • high density shock absorbing padding
  • high quality PU material
  • Open thumb
  • Mesh insert

You're unsure about the size? Then check our size chart

Item ID 6228
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Variation ID BBG Air Puncher
Manufacturer Booster
Manufacturing country Belgium
Content 1 pair
Weight 220 g
Net weight 200 g


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