
Adidas WBC Hoody Champ of Hope Hoody gray

You are the champ! For every proud boxer a must-have! The adidas WBC Premium Hoody. Community hoodie with WBC Champ of Hope print and large, comfortable kangaroo pocket made of 100% cotton.

RRP EUR 59.95
EUR 54.99 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 54.99 / piece
Delivery within 1-2 working days (in Germany)
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Adidas WBC Champ Hope Hoody gray / green / yellow
With the adidas WBC Hoody you get a reliable training companion. Made of 100% cotton.It is very resistant and keeps you warm before, during or after the workout. The inconspicuous design makes it very easy to wear in everyday life.
• 100% cotton
• Large, comfortable kangaroo pocket
• Elastic waistband
• WBC Champ of Hope imprint

You're unsure about the size? Then check our size chart

Item ID 5738
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Variation ID Adidas WBC Hoody Champ of Hope Hoody grau
Model adiwbch01
Manufacturer Adidas
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 300 g
Net weight 300 g


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