
4Fighter Rashguard / Compression shirt longsleeve in black with white print S - XL

4Fighter Compression Shirt / Rashguard in black. Made of elastic, high-quality, sweat-wicking fabric for a snug and form-fit. Excellent maneuverability and comfortable to wear. With ergonomically adapted Flächnähten to prevent chafing.

RRP EUR 44.99
EUR 29.99 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 29.99 / piece
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The 4Fighter Compression Rashguard is made with sweat-wicking, high quality material and provides a form-fitting, tight fit. The elastic material provides excellent freedom of movement and wicks moisture to the outside. The help keep you dry and comfortable. The ergonomic, flat seams prevent skin irritation and chafing.

  • elastic, high-quality, sweat-wicking fabric
  • snug, form-fit
  • plain black, and modern design
  • excellent freedom of movement and dry, comfortable wearing comfort
  • ergonomically adapted flat seams
  • longsleeve Rashguard


S = 50 - 65kg

M = 65 - 75kg

L = 75 - 85kg

XL => 85kg

You're unsure about the size? Then check our size chart

Item ID 4332
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer 4Fighter
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 100 g


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