
4Fighter Leather Gym Shoes Ideal for training - Muay Thai, Kickboxing and MMA

Designed specifically for martial arts training on mats. In comparison to normal shoes allow 4Fighter Gym Shoes partner exercises, kicks and kicks to have to train without barefoot. Cold or dirty feet are a thing thanks to the brand new Gym Shoes of the past!

EUR 14.99 *
Content 1 pair
Unit price EUR 14.99 / pair
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4Fighter Leather Gym Shoes

In order for the training on mats is pleasant, developed 4Fighter the "Gym Shoe" with non-slip and soft soles. Lightweight and comfortable, this protects from cold and dirt on the feet.

Material: Made of high quality leather with a more resistant and flexible rubber sole in suede.

EU sizes / cm:

Gr. 25 = 16.5 cm
Gr. 26/27 = 18 cm
Gr. 28 = 18.5 cm
Gr. 29/30 = 20cm
Gr. 31 = 20.5 cm
Gr. 32 = 21.5 cm
Gr. 33/34 = 22.5 cm
Gr. 35 = 23.5 cm
Gr. 36/37 = 24.5 cm
Gr. 38 = 25cm
Gr. 39 = 26cm
Gr. 40 = 26.5 cm

You're unsure about the size? Then check our size chart

Item ID 3662
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Model 4FGymS
Manufacturer 4Fighter
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 pair
Weight 300 g


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